Thursday, October 25, 2007
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days,
Second Edition
Week 1 at a Glance
Day 1 Getting Started
Day 2 The Parts of a C++ Program
Day 3 Variables and Constants
Day 4 Expressions and Statements
Day 5 Functions
Day 6 Basic Classes
Day 7 More Program Flow
Week 1 in Review
Week 2 at a Glance
Day 8 Pointers
Day 9 References
Day 10 Advanced Functions
Day 11 Arrays
Day 12 Inheritance
Day 13 Polymorphism
Day 14 Special Classes and Functions
Week 2 in Review
Week 3 at a Glance
Day 15 Advanced Inheritance
Day 16 Streams
Day 17 The Preprocessor
Day 18 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Day 19 Templates
Day 20 Exceptions and Error Handling
Day 21 Whats Next
Week 3 in Review
Labels: C++
Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days
Second Edition
# Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days, Second Edition
# Overview
# Preface to Second Edition
# Preface
# Acknowledgments
# About the Author
# Introduction
# — 1 —Open Systems, Standards, and Protocols
# — 2 —TCP/IP and the Internet
# — 3 —The Internet Protocol (IP)
# — 4 —TCP and UDP
# — 5 —Gateway and Routing Protocols
# — 6 —Telnet and FTP
# — 7 —TCP/IP Configuration and Administration Basics
# — 8 —TCP/IP and Networks
# — 9 —Setting Up a Sample TCP/IP Network: Servers
# — 10 —Setting Up a Sample TCP/IP Network: DOS and Windows Clients
# — 11 —Domain Name Service
# — 12 —Network File System and Network Information Service
# — 13 —Managing and Troubleshooting TCP/IP
# — 14 —The Socket Programming Interface
# — Appendix A —Acronyms and Abbreviations
# — Appendix B —Glossary
# — Appendix C —Commands
# — Appendix D —Well-Known Port Numbers
# — Appendix E —RFCs
# — Appendix F —Answers to Quizzes
Labels: TCP/IP
Labels: C
SAMS Teach Yourself PHP in 10 Minutes
By Chris Newman
Publisher : Sams Publishing
Pub Date : March 29, 2005
ISBN : 0-672-32762-7
Pages : 264
Are you one of those people who think there isn't anything substantial that you can do in only 10 minutes? Think again. Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 10 Minutes is a no-fluff, just-the-answers guide to building dynamic websites using PHP. Broken into 10 minute lessons, you will gain a rapid working knowledge of PHP 5 and be able to immediately put that knowledge to use in practical applications. Who ever would have thought there was so much you could do in just 10 minutes!
Labels: PHP
Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours, Third Edition
By Joe Casad
Publisher : Sams Publishing
Pub Date : September 03, 2003
ISBN : 0-672-32565-9
Pages : 450
As the Internet continues to expand its reach, more and more users, administrators, and programmers need to learn about TCP/IP--the core standard behind the Internet, and the dominant protocol for networks throughout the world.
Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours provides a clear and concise introduction to TCP/IP. It is accessible enough for non-technical readers, yet specific enough for technical readers who are looking for a solid foundation in TCP/IP.
This edition adds coverage of recent developments that affect TCP/IP. New topics added include: wireless networking, spam control, broadband, and peer-to-peer networking technologies.
Labels: TCP/IP
Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days, Second Edition
Next chapter
Table of Contents:
Week 1 at a Glance
Day 1 Introduction to SQL
Day 2 Introduction to the Query: The SELECT Statement
Day 3 Expressions, Conditions, and Operators
Day 4 Functions: Molding the Data You Retrieve
Day 5 Clauses in SQL
Day 6 Joining Tables
Day 7 Subqueries: The Embedded SELECT Statement
Week 1 in Review
Week 2 at a Glance
Day 8 Manipulating Data
Day 9 Creating and Maintaining Tables
Day 10 Creating Views and Indexes
Day 11 Controlling Transactions
Day 12 Database Security
Day 13 Advanced SQL Topics
Day 14 Dynamic Uses of SQL
Week 2 in Review
Week 3 at a Glance
Day 15 Streamlining SQL Statements for Improved Performance
Day 16 Using Views to Retrieve Useful Information from the Data Dictionary
Day 17 Using SQL to Generate SQL Statements
Day 18 PL/SQL: An Introduction
Day 19 Transact-SQL: An Introduction
Day 20 SQL*Plus
Day 21 Common SQL Mistakes/Errors and Resolutions
Week 3 in Review
A Glossary of Common SQL Statements
B Source Code Listings for the C++ Program Used on Day 14
C Source Code Listings for the Delphi Program Used on Day 14
D Resources
F Answers to Quizzes and Excercises
Macmillan Computer Publishing
Labels: SQL
Teach Yourself C in 21 Days
Table of Contents:
* Introduction
* Day 1 - Getting Started with C
* Day 2 - The Components of a C Program
* Day 3 - Storing Data: Variables and Constants
* Day 4 - Statements, Expressions, and Operators
* Day 5 - Functions: The Basics
* Day 6 - Basic Program Control
* Day 7 - Fundamentals of Input and Output
* Day 8 - Using Numeric Arrays
* Day 9 - Understanding Pointers
* Day 10 - Characters and Strings
* Day 11 - Structures
* Day 12 - Understanding Variable Scope
* Day 13 - Advanced Program Control
* Day 14 - Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard
* Day 15 - Pointers: Beyond the Basics
* Day 16 - Using Disk Files
* Day 17 - Manipulating Strings
* Day 18 - Getting More from Functions
* Day 19 - Exploring the C Function Library
* Day 20 - Working with Memory
* Day 21 - Advanced Compiler Use
* Appendix A - ASCII Character Chart
* Appendix B - Reserved Words
* Appendix C - Working with Binary and Hexadecimal Numbers
* Appendix D - Portability Issues
* Appendix E - Common C Functions
* Appendix F - What is C++?
* Appendix G - Answers
Labels: C
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Microsoft Transact SQL
The Transact SQL tutorial is instructed by Microsoft certified Systems Engineer and Database administrator Mark Long. In this tutorial, you will not only learn about this data definition, manipulation, and control language, but you will also become better prepared for the MCDBA certification, particularly Exam #70-229. It will also help you become a better Database Administrator.
Mark Long begins by introducing you to the origins and capabilities of Transact SQL. He will give a brief history of databases and will cover some language basics, including scripts, batches, functions, and views. From there, he moves onto more advanced ideas by teaching you about TSQL tools, such as the Query Analyzer and the Enterprise Manager. He then goes into great depth explaining the 4 main commands: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. You will also learn about indexes, variables, and stored procedures. He even touches on XML.
Labels: MS SQL SERVER, Video Tutorial
C Programming
Virtual Training Company's C Programming tutorial is taught by an expert C programmer, Mark Virtue, who has been using C for over 15 years, and has been teaching C programming for over 5 years. Perfect for beginners, this tutorial starts at an introductory level, assuming that you have no prior programming experience.
The instructor takes you through the basic concepts and techniques of C, and gives you exercises with which he guides you through to get to the solutions. You will be taken smoothly into more advanced concepts, such as pointers and dynamic memory. If you are already familiar with programming, you can skip past what you already know.
Labels: C, Video Tutorial
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
CodeNotesfor .NET
Labels: Microsoft.NET
ASP.NET for Developers
Michael Amundsen
Labels: Microsoft.NET
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Professional Projects
ISBN: 1931841292
by Pooja Bembey, Kuljit Kaur and et al.
© 2002 (1007 pages)
Premier Press
Labels: Microsoft.NET, Visual Basic.NET
Programming Visual Basic .NET
Dave Grundgeiger
Publisher: O'Reilly
First Edition January 2002
ISBN: 0-596-00093-6, 464 pages
Published just in time for the first release of Visual Basic Studio .NET, Programming Visual Basic .NET
is a programmer's complete guide to Visual Basic .NET. Starting with a sample application and a high-
level map, the book jumps right into showing how the parts of .NET fit with Visual Basic .NET. Topics
include the common language runtime Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Web Forms, Web Services, and
Labels: Microsoft.NET, Visual Basic.NET
Developing Windows-based Applications
with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
Version 3.0
Labels: Microsoft.NET, Visual Basic.NET
Database Programming
Weekend Crash Course
Jason Butler and Tony Caudill
Cleveland, OHïIndianapolis, INïNew York, NY
Labels: ASP.NET, Microsoft.NET
DOT NET Interview Questions
(According to latest VS.NET 2005 whidbey)
(Including SQL ServerUML,Architecture,Project
Management and General Interview Questions)
By:- Shivprasad koirala
Labels: Microsoft.NET
ASP.NET Interview questions
Labels: ASP.NET, Microsoft.NET
Your visual blueprint for building .NETapplications
Eric Butow
Tommy Ryan
Labels: C#, Microsoft.NET
SAMS Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours
Matt Zandstra A Division of Macmillan USA
How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided into four parts:
Part 1 is an introduction to PHP4.
Part 2 covers the basic features of the language. Pay particular attention to this section if
you are new to programming.
Part 3 covers PHP4 in more detail, looking at the functions and techniques you will need to
become a proficient PHP programmer.
Part 4 illustrates a complete self-contained example.
Labels: PHP