Sunday, June 29, 2008
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
by Author Dave Mercer
With it's powerful WYSIWYG editor for Web designs, HTML IntelliSense and Style Sheet Editor, Visual Studio.net makes it simple for developers to create solutions spanning any Internet device.
Author Dave Mercer teaches developers how to harness the power of this powerful Internet application builder that allows for the targeting of operating systems and languages. Choose from a host of modernized languages and make use of the familiar syntax users of Visual Basic are familiar with, as well as the Object Oriented Programming power and inheritance features. Create and deploy server based logic. No more sifting through tedious code! Save on time and build scalable applications using reusable .NET user interfaces, databases, and server components.
Labels: Video Tutorial, Visual Basic.NET
TCP/IP Illustrated,Volume 1
The Protocols
W. Richard Stevens
Labels: TCP/IP
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, Third Edition
by Jesse Liberty
Labels: C++